Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lauren Jones | "The Real Me"

Hey there! Happy Tuesday!

I was browsing around the Internet today, looking up some businesswomen I admire... Sandra Lee, Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray. I needed a fabulous recipe, plus, these women are amazing! They work hard, have great vision, set attainable goals for themselves and truly reach high; plus they always feature a delicious recipe that I need to try at home. They inspire me! My list of inspirational women changes, but I find myself coming back to these three quite often for various reasons. While searching online, I stumbled upon a photo of myself - eek! - and noticed quite a bit of airbrushing and makeup. Eh, not too inspirational. Wow, I look so different online! I have to laugh because yes, it's all in good humor and part of a character that has been played on TV, in movies, or as part of a photo shoot, and with no regrets,  but I grew curious if anyone ever wondered what I look like in "real life". Well, just in case, here it is! "The real me": light makeup, if any at all, except for maybe a stroke of mascara and soft eyeliner, sans foundation. This photo was taken candidly at a friend's wedding and is more of what I "really" look like. I wanted to share this image because there are so many photos circulating the "net" these days, and when I think of the word inspirational, I want to depict a more real version of myself, something honest. Thanks for taking time to read my blog. Have a great week!

- Lauren

Lauren Lorraine Jones, Model, Designer
Lauren Jones

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Thank you so much for stopping by! Xo, Lauren
Lauren Lorraine Jones, Co-Founder & CCO of Lauren Lorraine Shoes